Wednesday 29 June 2022

Student Tips: How to Find the Time to Clean

After a long day of lectures and studying, the last thing most people think about is cleaning. It can be very difficult to gather the motivation to tidy and clean, especially when you're excited to watch another episode of your TV show or play games on your computer or phone. This often leads to a cycle of laziness, as the mountain of clothes grows bigger and the clutter on your desk spreads it takes more and more energy to clean it up.

In this blog, we look at some simple lifestyle tips that can help you fit cleaning and tidying into a busy schedule.

Try an App

Because you're likely to have your phone on you at most times, using an app to help you with planning your tidying and cleaning can keep everything manageable. Apps such as Sweepy, Tody, Unfilth your Habitat, Habits, Habitica, and Focusmate can be great if you struggle with visualising what needs doing and when, especially for people with ADHD.

Using Sweepy as an example, these apps let you set separate tasks for different rooms. Each task can be configured as a one-off or recurring task with either default or customised options, and can then be given a frequency needed to complete each task along with a difficulty. You'll then be given an average level of cleanliness for each room dependent on when you last completed each task.

Have a Place for Everything

One of the biggest causes of clutter build-up is a lack of places to actually store items. Picking up some storage boxes and labelling them can help you keep clutter to a minimum because everything should now have a place to live. You'll also be able to actually find what you're looking for because you've labelled up each box!

You can use any cardboard boxes that you may have from ordering things online, or you may find that buying cheap and handy storage boxes would be best for you. The Really Useful Storage Boxes range is a great choice that gives you plenty of options when it comes to size and combinations. It also makes it much easier to pack when you need to move out.

Clean and Tidy Early, Not Late

A tried and tested method for boosting motivation is to do your tasks in the morning, rather than leaving them till the end of the day when you're tired. Start by making your bed when you wake up, and you should find that you then naturally start cleaning other places. Starting the day by being productive and cleaning your area can have a tremendous impact on how you're feeling, boosting your mood and reducing your stress. This sets you up to have a great day, where you know that you won't be coming home to a messy room.

If it Only Takes 5 Minutes, Just Do It

This cognitive behavioural technique helps tackle procrastination, by breaking each task into just 5-minutes. Here's how the 5-minute rule works: set a timer or time yourself for 5 minutes while you do a task, after this time if you want to stop, you can. This means that each task is broken down into manageable chunks, and will often be done in those 5 minutes anyway.

Make the Most of Motivation

Motivation can be hard to come by, so when you do have a sudden urge to get things done, make the most of it and get as much done as possible. You may find that once you've finished one task you'll have the motivation to carry on and finish other tasks. As previously mentioned, you can do a lot in just a small amount of time, starting is often the most difficult part!

Listen to Music or Watch a Show

Cleaning and tidying can be boring, so to make it a little more exciting you can stick on some music or watch your favourite show. You could try playing one of your favourite albums and setting the challenge of only stopping once you've finished the album.

What is Unihousing?

Unihousing is a student accommodation provider near the University of Birmingham, operating since 1984. All of our accommodation in Selly Oak is owned by us, so we can respond quickly to any requests using our qualified team of tradesmen. Our property office is located on Bristol Road, only a short walk away from all of our accommodation. This means we can deal directly with our tenants.
Unhousing was selected as the Number 1 Student Letting Agent in Birmingham by the UK's biggest fresher community, Unifresher.
Contact Unihousing today to find out more!

Monday 13 June 2022

How to Maintain Good Health as a Student in 2022

Saying that your health is important is an understatement. Staying healthy is not only good for your longevity and happiness, but it can also help your brain retain more information - something very important for when you're at university. While this may seem like it may be difficult, with good habits and a little willpower it can be much easier than you may have originally thought.

In this blog, we take you through a brief guide on how to live a healthier day-to-day life.

Eating Your 5 A Day

You've probably heard it before, and you may even have tried it. As per the NHS website; almost all fruit and vegetables count towards your 5 a Day. You can have fruit and vegetables in almost any form, such as frozen, tinned or canned, cooked in various dishes, dried, or inside convenience foods such as ready meals and sauces.

Be aware though, that some foods that you buy that count towards your 5 a Day can also be high in salt, sugar and fat. Fruit and vegetables in drinks such as juices or smoothies can also be high in sugar, which can damage your teeth. As with most things; moderation is key!

Watch Your Calorie Intake

As a general rule of thumb; consuming more calories than you use will lead to weight gain while consuming less will lead to losing weight. Because of this, keeping a food diary and monitoring your calorie intake can be very useful, even if you're aiming to stay at the same weight. This may be something that you monitor and revisit over some time to find what works best for you.

Every day, men will require approximately 2500kcal, while women need around 2000kcal. These numbers can depend on a variety of factors such as age, size, and activity level. The most important thing to remember is that there's always time to change up your dietary plan and try something new to achieve your goals.

The Benefits of Fish

It's easy to forget that we need to eat a variety of different meals to get all the vitamins and minerals we need to be healthy. One of the most easily overlooked foods which adds a lot of benefit to us is fish. White oily fish (like salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines, pilchards, fresh tuna and herring) provide omega-3 fats which are important for preventing heart disease.

Most fish are also rich in various other vitamins and minerals, as well as being high in protein. The NHS recommends you eat a minimum of two fish portions every week, with an oily fish being at least one of those portions. Don't forget that you can play around with the meals you have fish in; a tuna sandwich, salmon and pasta, or even sushi, there are plenty of options.

Stay Hydrated

Many of the times when we feel hungry or otherwise out of sorts, can be attributed to being dehydrated. The Eatwell Guide advises that we should drink 6 to 8 cups/glasses of fluid a day. While water is perhaps the healthiest choice, you can also get a benefit from low-fat milk and sugar-free drinks such as tea and coffee.

While water may be the healthiest option, many people do not like the taste of plain water. If you fall into this category, why not try sparkling water or add a slice of lemon or lime. As mentioned prior, while juices and smoothies can contribute to your 5 a Day, they can contain either added sugars or "free sugars" which are released in the juicing or blending process and can damage your teeth.

Exercise Regularly

Keeping active and fit doesn't have to mean going to the gym. Exercising can be as simple as being active wherever possible. This can mean walking more instead of driving or taking public transport, or playing more sports with friends. The key is to maintain a healthy balance of exercise, including aerobic and strength every week.

NHS guidelines are that up to the age of 18, everyone should be completing at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity every day. This includes walking, cycling, running or sports like tennis. Additionally, three days of the week should be spent exercising bigger muscle groups or promoting healthier bones/joints. These exercises can include push-ups, running and jumping.

For adults aged between 19 and 64, you should be aiming for 2.5 hours of moderate aerobic activity such as cycling or brisk walking weekly. You should also be doing 2 days of strength exercises a week which focus on the major muscle groups, including the legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms.

Catch Some Z's

Sleep is a very important part of staying healthy. A lack of sleep can cause you to become irritable, can make you forgetful and unable to focus, as well as many other health problems. The NHS recommends that 8 hours of good quality sleep is a general requirement for most people, but you should work out how much you need as it can be different between people.

For a student, the typical causes of a poor night's sleep include late nights, going-out and studying. If you notice that you're starting to feel the effects of a lack of sleep, try establishing a bedtime routine that helps you feel relaxed and ready to sleep. This can include not looking at a screen half an hour before sleeping, keeping to your regular sleeping hours, and reducing your alcohol and caffeine consumption close to bedtime.

What is Unihousing?

Unihousing is a student accommodation provider near the University of Birmingham, operating since 1984. All of our accommodation in Selly Oak is owned by us, so we can respond quickly to any requests using our qualified team of tradesmen. Our property office is located on Bristol Road, only a short walk away from all of our accommodation. This means we can deal directly with our tenants.

Unhousing was selected as the Number 1 Student Letting Agent in Birmingham by the UK's biggest fresher community, Unifresher.

Contact Unihousing today to find out more!