Thursday 8 June 2023

11 Tips To A Stress-free Routine At University

11 Tips To A Stress-free Routine At University

Although being at university is something that many students look forward to, it’s important to remember that it can also be stressful and overwhelming at times too. Taking care of your mental health and ensuring you are staying on top of your workload will help you maintain your stress levels, and keep you feeling motivated. Here are a few tips on how your time at university can be made less stressful and more successful.  

Always Have a Plan. Something as simple as having a to-do list where you can write things you plan to accomplish in a day, week, or even a month, will help keep information and dates out of your head and onto paper. This will also help you stay ahead and accomplish more whilst being less stressed overall. It can be extremely helpful to have all of your notes, information, and important dates all in one place, to ensure you aren’t forgetting anything important. 

Avoid Multitasking. Focus on one thing, instead of taking on multiple tasks at the same time. Studies have shown that multitasking is physically impossible. Concentrating on one task at a time will also keep you more focused, keep your stress levels down, and will ensure the task is done to the best of your abilities. 

Break It Down. Let’s be realistic here, many students struggle to get motivated to revise, and sometimes it just isn’t much fun. There is nothing worse than trying to force yourself through a study marathon when you are not in the right head-space. Breaking down your work and study tasks into manageable chunks will not only give your brain more structure but will likely give you better results and a better study experience overall. Make it a point to reward yourself for every completed chunk. This is progress. 

Sleep. Studies have shown that without enough sleep, you are more likely to have problems with attention, memory, and problem-solving. Sleep deprivation can also contribute to poor mental health that may affect your studies and overall university experience. This highlights the fact that sleep is an important part of your university routine to help keep you sharp and focused. So make it a priority!

Have a Schedule. Looking at your past experience, when are you the most productive and attentive? Do you work better right after school or after you've eaten dinner? Are you more productive in 90-minute blocks or half-hour spurts? Knowing these details will help you create a schedule that works for you and keeps you organized. Whether you write your schedule down on paper or postdate notes, or you have reminders on your phone, creating a schedule that works for you will help keep you on top of your studies. 

Take Notes. Writing helps us process our thoughts better, as it’s a way of downloading what our brain has understood from a concept. Writing down notes will help keep you more engaged during class time. The notes you take will serve as reminders for your revision and study. It is always much easier to reread the notes you’ve written than to read from a textbook. Therefore, embrace taking notes and see how it saves you time in the long run.

Stay Away From Cramming. Although this practice has helped some, it is not sustainable and rarely gets you long-lasting results. The idea of studying is to understand and once you’ve grasped a concept, it sticks with you. This comes with regular practice through being attentive, reviewing your notes and taking practice tests by yourself to evaluate how well you understood the subject of study.  

Set Aside a Study Space. The human mind works in patterns and sequences. There are spaces where you feel more relaxed and ready to take on new ideas, and then there are those where you cannot concentrate or focus on getting anything done. It’s important to try and find a space that you feel helps you maximize your productivity. This can mean getting away from everyone, going somewhere secluded, going to your local library, or finding a spot around your house. 

Regularly Ask Questions. As basic as this may sound, try to ask questions as much as possible for clarity and understanding. This will help get you answers to most of the concepts you do not understand. The reality is that you are in school to learn and you should not be afraid to ask questions.

Look For A Study Group. Having group discussions and study groups with people who are doing the same course as you is a great way to learn, stay motivated, and understand any confusing concepts that you might have encountered. Chatting these through with your fellow course-mates will help you get through your studies swiftly, and successfully. You also are presented with an opportunity of meeting new people with similar interests. 

Create Time To Do Things You Love. Although studying is extremely important, you also need to set aside time for your social side. Meet up with friends, go out for a movie, have some drinks, or do whatever else you might enjoy. This is also really good for your mental well-being.

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