Friday 3 May 2024

Preventing Fires in Your Student Accommodation

 Preventing Fires in Your Student Accommodation

Preventing fires in your student accommodation is necessary for the safety and well-being of everyone residing there. Here are practical steps you can take to minimise the risk of fires.

Practice Fire Safety in the Kitchen: Cooking-related fires are a frequent reason for residential fires. It is crucial to stay in the kitchen while cooking, particularly when using stovetops or ovens. Keep flammable items such as dish towels and oven gloves away from heat sources. Additionally, clean the cooking appliances regularly to prevent the buildup of grease, which can ignite and cause a fire.

Be Careful with Candles and Open Flames: If candles are allowed in your accommodation, use them safely. Keep them in sturdy holders on stable surfaces and away from flammable materials such as curtains and bedding. Never leave candles burning unattended.

Be Cautious with Heaters: Don't hang clothes on heaters as they can start a fire. Keep flammable materials away from heaters and turn them off before leaving or sleeping to prevent accidents.

Regularly Check and Test Your Smoke Alarms: It is recommended to have smoke alarms installed in every bedroom, living area, and hallway and to test them regularly to ensure they are functioning properly. Batteries should be replaced as needed. At Unihousing, we regularly check our properties to ensure they meet the regulatory standards.

Keep Exits Clear: Make sure that all exits, including doors and windows, are clear of obstructions. In a fire, you'll need a clear path to escape quickly.

Use Electrical Appliances Safely: Avoid overloading electrical outlets or sockets and never run cords under carpets or rugs as this can cause overheating. Always unplug electrical appliances when not in use and do not tamper with electrical outlets.

Don't Smoke Indoors: If you smoke, do so outside and dispose of cigarette butts properly in designated receptacles. Smoking indoors increases the risk of accidental fires. 

Store Flammable Items Properly: Store flammable items like cleaning supplies and aerosol cans in a cool, dry place away from heat sources. Follow instructions for proper storage and disposal.

Educate Housemates: Collaborate with your housemates to establish a fire-safe culture. Discuss prevention strategies and ensure everyone knows their role in maintaining safety.

Report Safety Concerns: If you notice any safety hazards or maintenance issues that could increase the risk of fire, report them to your landlord, housing office, or maintenance staff promptly.

Stay Sober and Alert: Alcohol and drugs impair judgment and reaction times, increasing the risk of accidents. Avoid cooking or using appliances while under the influence. Being proactive about fire safety is crucial. You should also be aware of the fire safety plan for your accommodation, including the location of fire exits, fire alarms, and fire extinguishers as this will help you in preventing fires, and creating a safer living environment in student accommodation.

Looking for Student Accommodation? Unihousing Can Help!

Unihousing is a student accommodation provider near the University of Birmingham, operating since 1984. All of our accommodation in Selly Oak is owned by us, so we can respond quickly to any requests using our qualified team of tradesmen. Our property office is located on Bristol Road, only a short walk away from all of our accommodation. This means we can deal directly with our tenants.

Unihousing was selected as the Number 1 Student Letting Agent in Birmingham by the UK's biggest fresher community, Unifresher.

Contact Unihousing today to find out more!

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