Wednesday 19 September 2018

Getting More From University Life

Sometimes it's a good idea to do a little bit more to live life to the full. With that in mind, read on, this blog has some suggestions on how you can boost your learning and prospects as well as your all-around progress on a personal level at university; by getting involved in things generally outside of lectures. The age-old adjective you get out what you put in is certainly true of university life.

Sports and Fitness

Sports are obviously a great way to keep fit and stay in good physical shape. There are added advantages that playing sports and exercise, in general, can offer you, such as better mental health and the opportunity to meet people and build friendships. Whilst sports may not be to everyone’s taste, in practice, playing sports on a regular basis could become a welcome release from the stress of studying and attending lectures. It gives you the chance to blow off steam and do something enjoyable that differs from things you perhaps would do on a normal basis. Most University’s, including Birmingham, have good gyms and sports clubs, but don’t be afraid to look at what else is out there, beyond the University campus. 

Student's Union

Getting involved with the student union at your university also has the potential to be highly enjoyable and beneficial to you in various ways. The University of Birmingham Student Union (Guild of Students), for example, is set-up to represent UoB students and their concerns. But the opportunity they extend to you for getting involved in one of the several areas related to the SU's work should be worth any student considering.

Work opportunities can also be found within the Guild of Students, but alongside this, there are a large collection of student groups for you to join. Or you can start your own group. There is more to be discovered within the UoB Guild of Students, including assistance with volunteering which can help you make a difference in your community and boost your career prospects following graduation.


On the subject of career prospects and life following the end of your degree course, volunteering is another avenue that you may wish to explore. Whether it's lending a hand to UK based charities or heading-out overseas, there's a lot to be gained from volunteering.

Save the Student online, is an example of a website that has an easy-to-read guide for students who want to investigate what volunteering entails. For further information about helping-out particular organisations or making a difference to the kind of cause that has the most appeal to you, maybe try limiting your search to the organisations that receive the best reviews. There are a high number of volunteering organisations out there, and it's important to work with one you feel you can rely on, so trying to seek out ones that are highly rated might be advisable.


Once you've moved away from home it's perhaps easy to feel a little lonely and isolated. There is also the possibility that there will be times when you struggle with certain issues and maybe find it difficult to feel as positive as you would like to. There are some students out there that have created their own blogs. Using blogs in a similar manner to these students could help you to deal with how you feel. Or you could you use a blog to explore a subject that you find particularly interesting, which could help you to feel more positive as a result.

Other Ideas:

Work Experience- This can potentially enhance your learning, personal growth and increase your chances for future career success.

Travelling- Where possible, long excursions or short trips might be able to give you new insights relevant to your course, inspiration for current study and your general career path as well as allowing you to refresh your mind for the next stage of studying.

Birmingham Student Accommodation with Unihousing

Without a doubt, good student accommodation is an absolutely crucial part of a happy university experience. For those looking for high-standard Birmingham student accommodation., Selly Oak-based Unihousing are a great option for ending your search.

Registered letting agents who can be relied upon to provide impressive student housing for reasonable prices, Unihousing have been offering both student studios and houses that are spacious and comfortable with excellent locations. Fully furnished with central heating, showers and provided by a lettings agency that have their own team of qualified tradesmen ready to address any issues you may have with your property, Unihousing's Birmingham student accommodation is an obvious choice for the kind of student lifestyle that you are seeking.

Whether it’s a student studio or a house to share with others, the location in Selly Oak of their properties means they provide easy access to both convenience and entertainment, and a whole range of other amenities, pubs and restaurants are only a short walk from your front door.

So why not contact the team at Unihousing today to find out what we can do for you?

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